Your Hosts
Devan Stahl is a professor, author, and proud mom of two little boys. She currently resides in Waco, Texas with her family. When she is not working on home renovation projects (without the help of any well-known Waco celebrities), Devan enjoys collaborating on art projects.
In her professional life, Professor Stahl is a bioethicist and religion scholar. She teaches bioethics and disability ethics to undergraduates, medical students, and doctoral students. She also works as a clinical ethicist in tertiary hospitals and has trained as a hospital chaplain. She received her PhD in Health Care Ethics from Saint Louis University and her MDiv from Vanderbilt Divinity School. Her research interests include disability ethics, medicine and the visual arts, and theological bioethics. Check out Dr. Stahl’s lastest books:
critically examines bioenhancement technologies with two key questions in mind: What does it mean to be human? and What does it mean to be vulnerable?
Disability’s Challenge to Theology: Genes, Eugenics, and the Metaphysics of Modern Medicine develops a Christian response to genetic technologies using the insights of disability scholars.
Imaging and Imagining Illness: Becoming Whole in a Broken Body is an edited volume examining the power of medical images on the experience of chronic illness and disability.
Despite growing up in the middle of the cornfields of the midwest, Tyler Gibb loves nothing more than standing knee-deep in a trout river with a fly-fishing rod in hand. He currently lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan, with his wife, three kids, and the most ridiculously fluffy dog—Coconut the golden doodle. He is an avid, yet terrible, golfer.
Professionally, he is co-chair of the Department of Medical Ethics, Humanities and Law at the Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine at Western Michigan University. He is a proud double Biliken and was awarded both graduate degrees (J.D. and PhD in Health Care Ethics) from Saint Louis University.
He researches and writes about misconduct in healthcare and medical education, the intersection of healthcare and law, and medical humanities in medical education. He is currently working on a book about Medical Tattooing.
Special thanks to Darian Goldin Stahl for contributing all the art seen on this website. To see more of her art, go to: